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How can I help?Share our mission and this website with your family and friends. Spread awareness about ACC. Donate to ACC Warriors, a 501(c)(3) not for profit public charity foundation from which all proceeds go to funding ACC research and assisting patients with ACC and their families. Contact us if you are interesting in volunteer opportunities.
What is Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC)?Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC) is a rare cancer affecting less than one per one million people in the United States per year. The malignant cancer cells begin in the hormone- producing tissue of the adrenal gland. If undetected, this highly aggressive tumor can quickly spread cancerous cells to other organs of the body (most commonly the lung and liver). Learn more here.
What are the treatment options?Treatment options are greater and more successful in early stages. These options become more limited as the cancer advances. These include: Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Biologic (immunotherapies) and targeted therapies are in clinical trial stages. More information can be found at PDQ® Adrenocortical Carcinoma Treatment: National Cancer Institute
How is ACC diagnosed?Diagnosis is done by imaging, studies, and tests, including: Physical exam Urine testing Cortisol level testing and checks Blood studies CT scan MRI Adrenal angiography and venography PET scan Biopsy
What are the stages of ACC?ACC is diagnosed and then staged based on size of tumor and location: Stages I and II – tumor is found in the adrenal gland only and is defined by size (larger or smaller than 5 cm) Stage III – tumor, regardless of size, has spread to nearby tissues (like the liver) or lymph nodes Stage IV – tumor, regardless of size, has spread beyond local tissues (lung or bone)
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